Regulamin serwisu

Valid from July 26, 2024.

I. General Provisions

1. These regulations define the manner of operation of the Internet Service under the name Blue Light located at the Internet address (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") and the conditions of use of the services offered by the Service. The Regulations specify the rights and obligations of the Website Users, as well as the rights, obligations and scope of liability of the entity managing and operating the Website.

2. Właścicielem Serwisu jest firma BLUE LIGHT Jakub Wyczesany, Osiedle 2 Pułku Lotniczego 46 lok. 71, 31-870 Kraków, Regon: 528550170 i/lub NIP: 6751798415, zwany dalej „Usługodawcą”.

3. Użytkownik serwisu zwany także „Usługobiorcą” chcąc skorzystać z usług Serwisu zobowiązany jest zapoznać się z treścią niniejszego Regulaminu. Jakiekolwiek czynności mające na celu skorzystanie z usług oferowanych przez Serwis mogą być podjęte wyłącznie po uprzednim wyrażeniu zgody na postępowanie zgodne z Regulaminem i akceptacji jego postanowień.

4. In order to use the Website, you must have an Internet connection, a valid e-mail address and a web browser that supports Cookies, updated to the latest available version.

5. The administration of personal data is based on the provisions of generally applicable law and the newsletter: consisting of free electronic sending of commercial and promotional information to the User. The User begins to use the service after meeting two conditions: 1) providing an e-mail address in the appropriate field of the registration form and 2) agreeing to receive messages by checking the "Notify me about new products" box in the "My data" tab on the Website. The user may unsubscribe from the service at any time. b) Account: consisting in maintaining the User's account on the Website provided electronically. The user creates an account by providing contact details in the registration form (available after pressing the "Register" button) or after logging in via Facebook. This service is provided from the moment the User receives an electronic message confirming registration. The user may delete the account at any time. c) Blue Light: mediation in concluding goods rental agreements between users. 3. Termination of the contract for the provision of electronic services takes place when: a) the Service User submits an order to delete the Account, via e-mail to the e-mail address of the Service Provider or in writing to the address of the Service Provider's registered office - applies to the Account management service, b) unsubscribes from the Newsletter database by clicking on the link attached in the e-mail sent as part of the service or by submitting a declaration of termination of the contract, via e-mail to the e-mail address of the Service Provider or in writing to the address of the Service Provider's registered office. 4. Moreover, the Service Provider reserves the right to limit/deprive the Service User the right to use the above-mentioned services by suspending or deleting the User's account in the event of a breach of the provisions of these Regulations or legal provisions. 5. Creating an account on the Website and thus concluding a service provision agreement. The account is necessary to use the functionality of the Website, including the Blue Light service.

6. The contract for the provision of electronic services is concluded when one of the following events occurs: a) the User creates an Account and logs in to the Account for the first time, using the User's login and password. For this purpose, the User is obliged to provide data consistent with the facts - applies to the Account and Blue Light services, b) register in the newsletter database by providing contact details in the registration form and consent to the processing of personal data - applies to the Newsletter service.

7. Services described in point 2 a) – b) are free services.

8. Rental prices are expressed in Polish zlotys (PLN).

9. 1. Complaints regarding the services referred to in point II. Regulations, the User may submit via e-mail to the following address: and via traditional mail to the address of the Service Provider's registered office. 2. The content of complaints regarding non-performance or incorrect performance of the Service should include: a. contact details of the Service User, b. precise description of any irregularities in the provision of the Service, c. date of occurrence and duration of the indicated irregularities. 3. how the complaint will be handled. The Service Provider will inform the Service User by e-mail sent to the e-mail address provided by the Service User. V. Resolving disputes 1. In the event of any disputes, the Service Provider suggests using amicable methods of resolving them. In the event of a dispute with a User who is a Consumer, the Service Provider suggests using mediation at the Provincial Inspectorate of the Trade Inspection, competent for the Consumer's registered office, or using arbitration at the Permanent Consumer Arbitration Court, competent for the Consumer's registered office. 2. The court competent to resolve any disputes with a User who is an entrepreneur is the common court competent for the seat of the Service Provider.

II. Using rental services

1. Technical condition of the equipment
The Service Provider provides the Service User with technically efficient equipment.
The Service Provider reserves the right to inspect the condition of the equipment at any time during the contract period, including at the time of transfer and return of the equipment.
2. Obligations of the Service Recipient
The service recipient undertakes to use the equipment in accordance with its intended purpose and operating instructions and is fully responsible for the equipment from the moment of its rental. The service recipient is responsible for any damage, destruction, scratches, dents and defects occurring during the rental.
3. Contractual fees
The Service Recipient pays the equipment rental fees in accordance with the price list and is obliged to pay them on the day of equipment rental, at the time of handing over the contract entities. If the equipment is kept for a period longer than specified in the contract, the Service Recipient is obliged to pay a fee for each subsequent day, in accordance with the contract. In the event of scratches, reflections and other damage to the equipment, the Service Provider has the right to collect adequately high compensation for losses in the technical and visual condition of the equipment. In the event of damage, the Service User is obliged to return the full market value of the damaged equipment to the Service Provider, as provided and accepted by the Service Provider.
4. Additional provisions
The provisions of the Civil Code shall apply to other provisions not regulated in this agreement, and all disputes will be resolved by the District Court competent for the registered office of the Service Provider.

III. Final Provisions

1. These Regulations are valid from the date of their publication on the website 2. The website reserves the right to make changes to these Regulations. Changes to the provisions of the Regulations come into force after 14 days from the moment the Website User is informed by e-mail about the new provisions. The User who does not agree to the amended provisions of the Regulations has the right to delete his account on the Website. Agreements concluded before the changes to the Regulations come into force are implemented in accordance with their previous wording. 3. The provisions of the Regulations do not exclude any rights that Consumers have under generally applicable law. 4. In matters not regulated in these Regulations, the provisions of law generally applicable in the territory of the Republic of Poland shall apply, in particular the provisions of the Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 1964, No. 16, item 93, as amended), the Code of Civil Procedure (Journal of Laws 1964 No. 43, item 296, as amended), Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws 2002 No. 144, item 1204), Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827).

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